The Importance of Childhood Friends

The Importance of Childhood Friends

In today’s world, America’s children can be very isolated from their peers. They may not have close friendships and may rarely see other children outside of school, unless it is an organized after school activity or a rare “play date” arranged totally by the parents....
Identifying Learning Styles

Identifying Learning Styles

Have you ever been in a classroom or at a seminar and looked around? Some people watch the speaker intently, others are taking copious notes, and some may be listening intently (maybe with their eyes closed to focus on what they are hearing). Each of these individuals...
What is in Infant Formula?

What is in Infant Formula?

Many babies take formula at some time in their lives. Some begin their lives with formula if breastfeeding is not an option. So, what exactly is in infant formula? Understanding formula and the nutrients provided is important for parents, newborn care specialists and...
Why is Good Posture Important?

Why is Good Posture Important?

When we were growing up, our parents and grandparents would tell us to ‘Stand up straight’ and sit tall, don’t slouch!”. These admonitions were aimed at improving our posture. This is important as parents and nannies need to demonstrate good posture. Posture is the...