Enrollment Requirements
To enroll, students must read and sign the Enrollment Agreement. This step is completed after you sign up for a program and pay the tuition. The enrollment requirements also include:
Must be 18 years old or older
Provide a government-issued identification with birthdate and photo from any recognized country
Be fluent in English
Enroll Now – New Students
Choose between 6 programs that best fit your career goals – Basic, Intermediate, Newborn Care, Advanced, Specialist or Professional. If needed, we have a $445 payment plan (see below).
Need a Payment Plan?
We offer a payment plan that allows you to purchase each program individually. This gives you the flexibility to take classes when it fits your budget. To enroll:
1. Select the Basic program and pay the tuition and fees.
2. When you are ready, you can come back to this page and enroll in the Intermediate program. You must complete Basic, then Intermediate, then Advanced and Specialist before enrolling in the Professional program.
3. Check your email for a link to log into your student account. You should use the same login if you are a returning student.
4. Sign and complete the enrollment agreement. When the enrollment agreement and government identification is submitted, the Administrative staff will be notified to confirm the prerequisite levels are complete. You will be notified when the program is available to begin, usually within 2 business days. You will not be able to immediately start the program as the Administrators must confirm the pre-requisite levels have been completed before releasing the classes into your student account.
Enroll in Payment Plan – Returning Students
You must complete these programs in order. You will not be permitted to take Intermediate without first completing Basic. You cannot take Professional until you have completed Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Specialist. We do not have a payment plan for the Newborn and Infant program.
Job Placement
The Nanny Institute is Invested in Your Success, Including Getting a Job with a Great Family. All Nanny Institute Programs Include Job Placement Classes.
PS 601: Expert Resumes for Nannies by Elizabeth Malson
This course uses nanny specific examples of a traditional and visual resume to teach resume writing as well as demonstrates how to modernize a nanny portfolio using LinkedIn.
PS 602: Job Search Strategies by Sarah Olson
PS 603: Interview Skills by Gregory Cassiere
PS 604: Negotiating Compensation by Sarah Olson
PS 605: Work Agreements by Elizabeth Malson
Online Program Cancellation and Refund Policy
Should a student’s enrollment be terminated or canceled for any reason, all refunds will be made according to the following.
Cancellation requires the submission of Form 108 by electronic mail to info@usnannyinstitute.com or by termination. If the Nanny Institute does not accept the student or the student does not start any classes and cancels within (3) business days after making payment and requests a refund, 100% of the tuition less the $50 non-refundable enrollment fee will be refunded. Cancellation after payment through 10% of the program will result in a pro rata refund. The pro rata refund is computed based on whichever is greatest – the number of clock hours of courses completed to the total program clocks hours or the number of days since payment to the total number of days allocated to complete the program.
Canceling after completing more than 10% of the program (courses and/or time allocated) will result in no refund. Refunds will be made within 30 days of termination of the student’s enrollment or receipt of Cancellation Notice (Form 108) from the student.
Funding Sources and Tax Deductions
While businesses can offer payment programs, discounts and sales, the Nanny Institute is a career college and adheres to the Department of Education requirements. Licensed post-secondary schools must comply with 6E-1.0032(7), F.A.C which states, “Tuition or fee discounts are not permissible.”
The Nanny Institute offers Enroll As You Go which allows you to make payments over time by purchasing each level separately. This allows students to pay for 10 hours of class at a time. The Nanny Institute also offers scholarships, when available.
Nanny Institute programs are not eligible for federal education loans (financial aid). Students are not able to submit FAFSA forms for the Nanny Institute programs. Nanny Institute tuition and fees may be tax deductible if the course is sufficiently connected to employment activities. The Nanny Institute does not generate 1098-T forms, in accordance with the following IRS guideline: Instructions for Forms 1098-E and 1098-T published by the Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service (https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1098et.pdf). For more information, consult an accountant.
Special Needs Services
The Nanny Institute responds to all requests for accommodations (adaptive devices and/or auxiliary staff and services) to meet the individual and unique needs of students with disabilities. Each student will work collaboratively with the Nanny Institute to develop reasonable accommodations.
Please reach out to us for more information.