Nanny’s Guide to Childproofing

Nanny’s Guide to Childproofing

In the delicate realm of early childhood development, ensuring a safe and secure environment is paramount for a child’s well-being and growth. Childproofing, a crucial aspect of caregiving, goes beyond physical barriers. It cultivates a space that encourages...
Craft Ideas for Nannies

Craft Ideas for Nannies

In the realm of early childhood development, the creative exploration offered by crafts serves as a gateway to learning and self-expression. Engaging children in craft activities not only nurtures their imagination but also cultivates vital skills across various...
Children lie. When is it a problem?

Children lie. When is it a problem?

Children lie. We’ve all seen the meme where the child’s face is covered in chocolate and he’s saying – Not me – I didn’t eat it!” All parents and nannies who care for children have caught them in a lie. Lying occurs at various ages and for various reasons. Most of us...