Great Ways for Nannies and Parents to Get Kids to Exercise and Beat the Indoor Blahs

by Gwen Payne of The Invisible Moms

Did you know that when kids spend more time indoors than outdoors, their ability to learn and to thrive suffers? Essentially, when kids spend too much time inside, they become less physically active, which leads to weight gain and a host of other health issues. Children who get used to a sedentary lifestyle often are more obese as teenagers and adults.

With that in mind, here are some great ways you can get the kids interested in the outdoors, regardless of whether you decide to stay home or head out for an adventure!


Have Fun In Your Own Backyard

Start out by showing your kids that having fun is as simple as stepping out the door and creating. With some construction, you can create viable play areas for your kids.

  • Create sidewalk chalk drawings to stir creativity and lessons that art can be made right outside your door.
  • Start simple and learn 12 backyard games to keep kids active.
  • Teach recycling and tree preservation by hanging up a tire swing.
  • Learn what you need to do to create a DIY backyard playground.
  • Perhaps an in-ground trampoline could be the answer for exercise.


Create Memories of the Great Outdoors

Create a legacy for your kids where they remember walking and hiking with their family and learn the importance of nature while staying healthy.

  • Start out by learning what trails are close to you and plan a day trip to walk the woods and explore.
  • Create a wonderful day of hiking to a swimming hole and let the kids relax by going swimming and playing.
  • Teach history and learn about this great country by exploring scenic places to visit.


Camp and Stay Awhile

Plan for a more extensive weekend or a week camping to allow for more adventure and family bonding.

  • Never camped before? Get the whole family involved and plan an overnight trip to get your feet wet.
  • Explore and camp out at 24 of the most scenic places in the United States to manifest memories for your family.


Hopefully, you can use the above activities to nurture your children’s interest in the outdoors. And in doing so, you will put them on a path toward a healthy lifestyle for the long haul.


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