Children lie. When is it a problem?

Children lie. When is it a problem?

Children lie. We’ve all seen the meme where the child’s face is covered in chocolate and he’s saying – Not me – I didn’t eat it!” All parents and nannies who care for children have caught them in a lie. Lying occurs at various ages and for various reasons. Most of us...
Mindfulness Benefits Nannies and Kids

Mindfulness Benefits Nannies and Kids

Learning about mindfulness can be a huge benefit to both nannies, parents and kids. The idea that our brain is constantly changing throughout our lives means that our sense of happiness, contentment, and meaningful living, can be transformed through how we experience...
Nannies Should Encourage Sports

Nannies Should Encourage Sports

There is no age too young for physical activity. Infants and toddlers develop motor skills through play. Between ages one and three, a tricycle is a great introduction to movement and self-propelled fun. Push toys keep them moving and helps develop balance and...
Nanny Summertime Blues

Nanny Summertime Blues

School is ending and summer stretches before us. For some nannies and parents, they get the summertime blues as they may face increased work hours and more responsibility. Trying to keep a children entertained and busy for the entire summer can be a bit daunting....