Newborn and Infant Care

Class List and Information

Specialized nanny to navigate their first year

Start Date: Enrolling Now

Total Hours: 20

Total Cost: $840

Prerequisite Courses: None

Newborn and Infant Care Training & Certification

Many parents seek Newborn and Infant Care Specialists (NICS) to help navigate the first year. Newborn care specialists primarily work during the first 6 months of a child’s life and infant care specialists help families learn best practices and help establish schedules through the first 18 months.

The Newborn and Infant Care curriculum focuses on child safety, development, common medical issues, nutrition, sleep and general care. Our curriculum is comprehensive providing training on music and reading for mental development as well as teaching physcial care.

This program is online (20 hours) and designed for those seeking work as a newborn and infant care specialist, consultant or overnight nanny. The Newborn and Infant Care program is a separate program from the Basic to Professional curriculum.


Who Should Enroll?

The Newborn and Infant Care program is designed for childcare providers who work with newborns and infants. The program provides training and resources to support families with a new baby.

What Topics are Covered?

  • Infant attachment
  • Newborn Care
  • Childhood Health
  • Baby Sign Language
  • Multiples and Siblings
  • Sleep Training
  • Safety in the Home
  • Emergency management
  • Payroll & taxes
  • Work agreements

Review the full course list

Who are the instructors?

The Nanny Institute has 30+ faculty members who are experts as all our faculty have advanced degrees, at least 5 years of experience and a passion for child care. We invested in the right people to build and teach our curriculum so you learn from pediatricians, early childhood educators and child psychologists, many of whom were former nannies.

Image of Nanny faculty

Newborn and Infant Care Certification Requirements

The Nanny Institute Newborn and Infant Care program is 20 hours of online classes that you watch on-demand. While watching the courses, you complete the provided study guides which prepare you for the multiple choice exam. You can enroll online at any time and start right away.

When the program is completed, you earn a Nanny Institute Newborn Care Certification and get a transcript that lists the program courses. If you complete all 20 hours, you will meet the training requirements for the US Nanny Association’s Newborn Care and Infant Professional (NCIP) credential.

certified newborn and infant

We have many programs that will align with your career goals. Please see our program overview page to see the different options available.

What is the Class Structure?

Each class is an on-demand video by our faculty and every class has a study guide that you download. You complete the study guide as you watch the course. After each course, there is a short quiz to test your understanding of the course material. The study guide and quiz prepare you for the multiple choice exam at the end of the program. The assignments and proficiency requirements (quizzes & exams) in addition to a comprehensive curriculum and college faculty are the foundation for the Nanny Institute to issue Certifications, not certificates of attendance.

2 girls on bed with a cat

How Do I Get Certified?

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1. Sign Up For A Program

Choose from one of our learning programs that will meet your needs.

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2. Attend The Online Courses

Our online courses are taught by industry experts.

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3. Earn A Certification

At the end of the program, you will take a multiple choice exam that will test your knowledge.

What Courses are in the Newborn and Infant Certification?

CC 101: Understanding Children by Dr. Lauren Formy-Duval (2 hours).

This course teaches the importance of attachment and provides an overview of child development stages for newborns, infants, toddlers, preschoolers, early elementary and primary years with a focus on physical, social, and emotional developmental milestones.

CC 102: Children and the Law by Aaron Brandel, JD (1 hour).

Laws differ in each state, but compliance with local child safety provisions is always mandatory. This course will review relevant laws on proper transportation, injury liability, child abuse, contracts, emergency treatment, and legal protections for childcare workers.

CC 201: Newborn Care by Dr. Tali Berkovitch (2 hours).

This course covers newborn and infant developmental milestones, holding, feeding, diapering, soothing, common ailments and signs of illness.

CC 205: Children and Literacy by Christine Ducz, MA (1 hour).

This course teaches early literacy skills for infants and toddlers while promoting strong reading and writing skills for preschool and kindergarten children. The course discusses advanced reading levels, the common core curriculum and how to support reading at home.

CC 407: Developmental Milestones (1.5 hours).

After 20 years, the CDC updated the child developmental milestones. This course shares why the milestones are important, what the milestones are for each age group and how to identify the milestones. The course also provides recommendations to assist in healthy child development.

HS 202: Childhood Health by Dr. Alexandra Murr (1.5 hours).

This course teaches correct hand washing, how to manage common ailments (croup, RSV, flu and many others), recommended vaccinations, and over the counter medications.

CC 303: Advanced Newborn Care by Dr. Tali Berkovitch (1.5 hours).

This course teaches how to care for preemies, the science of breast milk and formulas, and advanced medical and health issues including circumcision, cleft palate and tongue tie, pyloric stenosis and plagiocephaly.

CC 305: Children and Music by Dr. Beth Stutzmann (1 hour).

Music helps the body and mind work together. This course introduces appropriate song literature, provides tools to teach music, and demonstrates musically integrated activities for children of different ages.

CC 404 Baby Sign Language by Jena Paulo, MS (0.5 hour).

Most babies can sign before they speak so parents are using baby sign language to boost communication. This course teaches why and how to use baby sign language, when to teach signs to babies and teaches you the most common baby signs.

CC 405: Multiples and Siblings by Kathryn Gonsalves, MA (0.5 hour).

This course is designed to help you better understand the multiple birth dynamics, what may be expected of you and how you can better manage the unique challenges of caring for multiples and supporting siblings.

HS 501: Sleep Training by Andrea Malson, NP (1 hour).

This course teaches sleep science and provides tools to help children ages 6 months and up develop healthy sleep habits. The course provides practical ways to overcome sleep challenges and introduces sleep techniques including the 5 S’s, no tears, pick up and put down, fading, and strategic napping.

HS 103: Water Awareness by Elizabeth Malson, MS (1 hour).

More than 350 children drown each year. This course discusses drowning risk factors, techniques to reduce drowning risk, dry and secondary drowning, types of floatation devices, and provides water safety guidelines when in, on, or around the water.

HS 104: Food Safety by Dr. Jennifer Rodriquez-Bosque (1 hour).

From farming to the kitchen, food safety decreases the risk of foodborne illnesses caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites and allergens. This course teaches food safety practices to prevent contamination, reduce pesticide exposure and safely prepare, cook, store, and reheat food.

HS 105: Car Seat Safety (1 hour).

Car seat safety discusses the importance of rear-facing and correct installation with a demonstration that installs different types of car seats. It’s important to note that all car seats must be professionally installed, and this video does not teach installation as every car seat has its own instructions and requirements for proper installation and usage.

GE 101: Professionalism by Karli Ortmann, MA (1 hour).

Conducting yourself with high character, integrity, and behaving with moral principles is required to be a positive role model for children. This course teaches how to engage professionally and make appropriate choices while employed in childcare.

GE 404: Inclusion and Diversity (0.5 hours).

This course defines culture and discusses culture relativism and culture appropriation as well as provides practical ways to teach children about diversity and inclusion.

HS 101: Emergency Planning by Elizabeth Malson, MS (1 hour).

Being prepared can help identify potential emergencies and possibly save lives. This course will teach specific actions needed for weather, medical, fire, unsafe situations, auto accidents, power loss and active shooter situations as well as provide tools on how to develop and use an emergency plan.

HS 102: Safety in the Home by Marlene Malson, MS (1 hour).

One of the primary responsibilities of a childcare provider is to supervise and monitor the safety of children in their care. This course will identify many of the physical risks including hazards, poisons, baby equipment, outdoor safety and discuss ways to eliminate or minimize the risk of injury or harm.

OP 301: Speech and Language Development (30 minutes)

Speech and Language Development can help to create a strong foundation for a child’s communication skills. This course provides information on typically developing speech and language skills, along with warning signs of delays. It provides simple strategies that can be used to assist in speech and language development. Discussions on multilingualism and the components of play are reviewed as well.

All Nanny and Sitter Courses are Taught by Child Care and Academic Experts
Meet Our Amazing Faculty

As a child, I struggled with phonics and reading, so my family and teacher decided I should repeat kindergarten. After additional support, I became a voracious reader, and am dedicated to helping other struggling readers.
Christine Ducz, M.Ed

I am passionate about helping others communicate and be successful. In addition to teaching in NY schools, I’m proud to help students find great jobs.
Gregory Cassiere, M.Ed

Newborn care is fun but exhausting and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share proven tips with nannies and sitters.
Dr. Tali Berkovitch

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I watch the classes on my phone?

Yes. You can download the SAP Litmos app and log in to your student portal on your phone. Each class has a study guide that can be completed so you may want to download or print the study guide from a computer prior to watching the class on your phone.

Are there financial payment plans, discounts or sales?

The Nanny Institute allows you to make $445 payments over time by purchasing each level separately. This allows students to pay for 10 hours of class at a time for the Basic to Professional programs. There is not a payment plan option for the Newborn Care program.

The Nanny Institute also offers scholarships, when available. While businesses can offer payment programs, discounts and sales, the Nanny Institute is a career college and adheres to the Department of Education requirements. Licensed post-secondary schools must comply with 6E-1.0032(7), F.A.C which states, “Tuition or fee discounts are not permissible.”

I am not living in the United States and I am not a US citizen, can I enroll?

Yes, you can enroll online and complete the program from any location in the world. Job placement services; however, are only available to those living in the United States.

You do not need to be a United States citizen but you must upload a copy of a government-issued identification from any recognized country to verify your identity.

Do these programs count for the US Nanny Association Certifications?

Yes. All programs (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Specialist and Professional Childcare, Newborn Care Specialist and eLearning Facilitator) are accepted by the US Nanny Association for the training requirements to earn the Nanny and Childcare Provider (NCP) Credential. The Newborn Care is accepted by the US Nanny Association for the training requirements for the Newborn and Infant Care Professional (NICP). The Professional Childcare program is accepted by the US Nanny Association for the training requirements to earn the Professional Nanny and Childcare Provider (PNCP) Credential.

The US Nanny Association and the Nanny Institute are separate entities. Like many childcare businesses, the Nanny Institute is an organization member of the US Nanny Association.

What are the enrollment requirements?

Enrollment requires students to be at least 18 years old and have a government-issued identification (from any recognized country). Students sign up online by paying the tuition and fees, then immediately checking their email SPAM or Junk folder to access and log in to their student account. Students must sign an Enrollment Agreement and upload a copy of government-issued identification. Within 30 minutes of signing the paperwork and confirming the student’s identity, the classes will unlock in the student’s account and they can begin the program.

Will I need to buy textbooks?

No, all the course materials are available online and included in the tuition and fees. Every course has a study guide that can be downloaded and used to capture notes from the course. these study guides create a textbook that you can keep. The materials are for personal use only. All course videos and resources are copyrighted and cannot be used for any business purpose.

woman reading to children

Need Help Staying on Track?

Download Litmus App

The Nanny Institute proudly uses Litmos as our eLearning partner. Litmos Mobile makes learning more accessible for you by ensuring you can access all your eLearning courses via your smartphone. With this app, you can easily search for your organization’s learning content and access it anytime, anywhere. With this app, students gain flexibility, have greater engagement and course consumption. This app requires an active Litmos account which is your US Nanny Institute username and password.

Job Placement

The Nanny Institute is Invested in Your Success, Including Getting a Job with a Great Family. All Nanny Institute Programs Include Job Placement Classes.

PS 601: Expert Resumes for Nannies by Elizabeth Malson

This course uses nanny specific examples of a traditional and visual resume to teach resume writing as well as demonstrates how to modernize a nanny portfolio using LinkedIn.

PS 602: Job Search Strategies by Sarah Olson

Knowing the most current job seeking trends and skills creates an advantage in gaining a desired position. This course will review the types of jobs in childcare, practical tools to find the right job opportunities, and how to network and use social media to enhance your professional reputation.

PS 603: Interview Skills by Gregory Cassiere

Interviews are a critical part of the employment process that enables potential employers and candidates to learn about each other. This course will help you prepare for an interview, know what to expect during the interview, how to end an interview, and what to write in thank you notes.

PS 604: Negotiating Compensation by Sarah Olson

Negotiating employment compensation may create anxiety but is an important skill to make sure you feel valued and fairly compensated for your work. This course will help you determine what components of compensation are most important to you and how to effectively communicate with a potential employer on salary and benefits.

PS 605: Work Agreements by Elizabeth Malson

Taking the time to think through and write down job expectations will help ensure everyone understands the responsibilities and compensation. Work agreements help reduce confusion and create a more positive experience. This course will introduce work agreement templates and tools to discuss a work schedule as well as pay, overtime, and other benefits.