Chapter 16: Nanny Employee Training

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Nanny

You can hire a nanny early in their career and help pay for their training and certification. If you hire a professional nanny, you can support their continuing education. The Professional Nanny and Childcare Provider (PNCP) certification requires Certified Professional Nannies to renew every 3 years by submitting 20 hours of continuing education courses. Investing in courses specific to their child care duties also enhances the nanny’s ability to better care for children.

“We all want the best for our children and good teachers and nannies help instill a love of learning,” shares Sherice from Charlotte. “I want my son to embrace a lifetime of learning and he sees me take online classes, read books, and do homework. I also invest in my nanny’s career development with annual training so she can benefit from continuing her education.”

Continuing education will help nannies stay up to date. This is important as car seat regulations and nutrition or fitness recommendations may change. Also, nannies should plan to take First Aid and CPR refresher courses as these certifications are only valid for two to three years. Training is an investment whether a nanny pays on their own or asks an employer to share or cover the tuition. Many employers recognize the benefits of child care training. Whether part of a compensation package or paid out of pocket, nannies should keep the receipts as job training from a licensed program is tax-deductible.

Parents and nannies can attend the annual Parent and Nanny Conference which is hosted online each year as well as locally in some cities. The Parent and Nanny Conference has over 40 seminars that are on-demand for parents and nannies to watch at their convenience. The Parent and Nanny Conference also offers seminars in Spanish. This conference is a great way for parents and nannies to learn and align on child care skills and child development approaches.
