5 Ways to Reduce the Summer Slide

5 Ways to Reduce the Summer Slide

School’s Out! School’s Out! Children love this chant and we are about to hear it a lot as we near the end of the school year. After all, summer is a time for sun, fun, and relaxation. In addition to planning vacations, have you (parents and nannies) thought about...
Caring for Diaper Rash

Caring for Diaper Rash

You opened a diaper to a full blow out, removed the soiled clothing, and used a ton of wipes to clean up. Now that the baby is clean and you’re ready for a new outfit, it’s done, right? Maybe not. Big blowouts and moisture on the skin from urinating can lead to diaper...
Educational Preschool Activities

Educational Preschool Activities

Think back to the days of your childhood. What are you reminded of? Are you reflecting on times of messy play and skinned knees? These are important memories and developmental activities in preschool. So how does a Nanny or Sitter help create engaging early childhood...
Reasons Children Should Play Sports

Reasons Children Should Play Sports

In today’s world, physical activity is increasingly important to our health. Sedentary lifestyles and poor eating habits are more common, which means introducing sports, especially to young children, is important. Sports encourage kids to be involved, keep active, and...
Help Kids After a Shooting or Disaster

Help Kids After a Shooting or Disaster

It’s part of every parent and caregiver’s worst nightmare- getting a call or seeing on the news that there has been a mass shooting at a school. These events are not something that many of us feel equipped to process, let alone help our children manage but there are...