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Reggio Emilia Educational Philosophy
The Reggio Emilia educational philosophy is a student-centric approach to preschool and pr...
5 Tips for After School Nannies
After School Nannies are responsible for children from the time they are picked up at scho...
How to Manage Potty Training Regression
You want to celebrate – but you’re afraid you might jinx it. It looks like your 2 ½ y...
6 Ways to Exercise with Your Kids
Children of all ages need physical activity to grow and develop into healthy, strong adult...
Tips to Manage the Back to School Transition
No matter how the child feels about returning to school, you can help with the transition ...
Montessori Educational Approach
The Montessori method views the child as the one who is naturally eager for knowledge....
4 Times Nannies Should Earn $20+ an Hour
If your family needs or wants higher quality or specialized childcare, nanny wages can exc...
Household Management Skills that Elevate Family Assistants and Nannies
Whether it’s part of a job or for yourself, managing a household is an important respons...
LinkedIn is the New Nanny Portfolio
The nanny job search has modernized with online job boards and social media networking....
Talking with Your Baby Can Advance Their Language Development
We’ve all heard that it is important to read to children from an early age, but we are a...
Nanny Advice on Social Media
Social media is a great place to learn more about a lot of things, including tips about be...
Should You Limit Your Children’s Screen Time?
Young children are exposed to screen time and digital media throughout the day....
Child Care Contract Example
Nanny contracts and newborn care specialist contracts help reduce confusion and create a more positive experience. Take a free class and download an example nanny contract to help you and your nanny clearly set expectations and roles.
Ultimate Nanny Guide
Are you beginning the process of hiring a nanny? You’ll definitely want to read US Nanny’s Ultimate Nanny Guide! This effective resource will help you in every step of the process.